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warning(String) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Logger
If the logger is enabled, logs a message with level: warning
Welcome - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses
A Response to represent the start of a connection with a WelcomeServer.
Welcome() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.Welcome
Construct the response
WelcomeServer - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.Server
This is the main server thread.
WelcomeServer(int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.WelcomeServer
Create a new Welcome server, once run the server binds to an address and listens for connections
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.TowerColour
WHITE - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Symbols
WhiteTower - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.IconLoader
window - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Context
window - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Panels.GameInProgressPanel
Frame containing all others components
Window - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI
Window creates the top-level container (Java Swing component) onto which the game will be rendered
Window() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Window
winners - Variable in record class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.Events.Internal.GameOverEvent
The field for the winners record component.
winners - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.GameOver
winners() - Method in record class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.Events.Internal.GameOverEvent
Returns the value of the winners record component.
winnerText - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.IconLoader
winShouldBeGivenToTeam() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.ModelTest
winWhenSameTowersButMoreTeachers() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.ModelTest
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form