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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


random(List<T>) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Utils
Given a List, returns a random element from it
randomIntTest() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.UtilsTest
randomStringTest() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.UtilsTest
RED - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.PawnColour
RED - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Symbols
REDIRECT_PHASE - Enum constant in enum class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.LobbyServer.State
client now has a name, but is not part of a lobby
RedStudent - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.IconLoader
RedTeacher - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.IconLoader
refillClouds() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Model
Refill the cloud tiles
removeContentReference() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.StudentBag
Used to sanitize Model.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.CircleLayout
For compatibility with LayoutManager interface
removeStudentFromDiningRoom(PawnColour, PlayerBoard) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Model
Removes a student to the dining room of a player.
removeStudentFromEmptyRow() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.PlayerBoardTest
removeStudentFromEntrance(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.PlayerBoard
Removes a single student from the entrance
removeStudentFromEntrance(PawnColour) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.PlayerBoard
Removes a single student from the entrance
removeStylingFromUIComponent() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.SymbolsTest
RepeatedActionException() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Controller.ChooseCloudTileTest
report - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.PlayerActionFeedback
requestAndFeedback - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Listeners.GUISocketListener
List of actions executed by current player and their feedbacks
reset() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.EffectTracker
When called, this method will reset all effects to the disabled state.
RESET - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Symbols
resetNoEntry() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Model.IslandGroup
removes a NoEntryTile from the stack of tiles and puts it back on the character card where it came from
Response - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses
Any message sent by the WelcomeServer or LobbyServer will inherit this class.
Response(StatusCode) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.Response
Construct the response
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI.CLI
Run Thread responsible for asking User which server wants to connect to
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI.ClientReader
Keep listening the socket
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI.CliWriter
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.GUI
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Listeners.GUISocketListener
Listen for Server's responses and updated window basing on responses
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Network.HeartBeatSender
sends a HeartBeatMessage over the wrapper.
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Network.HeartBeatTimeoutTask
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.LobbyServer
When run, polls for events from the client and sends appropriate responses while handling interactions with the game
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.SocketListener
Listens on the SocketWrapper for messages, passes Messages implementing ClientEvent to the BlockingQueue<ClientEvent> for the server to read from.
run() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.Server.WelcomeServer
Used when running the server in a Thread, will make the server listen for connections, dispatching a LobbyServer for each new connection.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form