Class CreateLobbyRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClientEvent, Serializable

public class CreateLobbyRequest extends ClientRequest
Represents a Client triying to create a new Lobby
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • isPublic

      private final boolean isPublic
    • maxPlayers

      private final int maxPlayers
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateLobbyRequest

      public CreateLobbyRequest(boolean isPublic, int maxPlayers)
      Construct the request
      isPublic - true if the lobby is supposed to be publicly available on the Server
      maxPlayers - the number of maximum players the lobby will allow (no bound is set but the server will impose it)
  • Method Details

    • isPublic

      public boolean isPublic()
      Check if the lobby will be public
      true if the lobby will be public, false otherwise
    • getMaxPlayers

      public int getMaxPlayers()
      Get the maximum amount of players the lobby will have
      the maximum amount of players the lobby will have