Class Lobby


public class Lobby extends Object
Multiple LobbyServer instances will need to communicate to run the game. This class groups the the BlockingQueue<ClientEvent> used by each server to dispatch gameLobby-wide events.
  • Field Details

    • id

      private final UUID id
    • admin

      private final String admin
    • isPublic

      private final boolean isPublic
    • maxPlayers

      private final int maxPlayers
    • players

      private final List<String> players
    • playerEventQueues

      private final Map<String,BlockingQueue<ClientEvent>> playerEventQueues
    • isClosed

      private boolean isClosed
    • controller

      private Controller controller
  • Constructor Details

    • Lobby

      public Lobby(UUID id, boolean isPublic, int maxPlayers, String admin)
      Create a new lobby
      id - a unique ID used to refer to the lobby
      isPublic - if the lobby is supposed to be publicly available to new clients
      maxPlayers - the amount of clients the game connected to the lobby will host
      admin - the name of the admin client. The admin owns the game and even though everyone can start a session, if the admin disconnects while in the waiting lobby, the lobby is closed.
  • Method Details

    • executeAction

      public void executeAction(PlayerAction pa) throws InputValidationException, OperationException
      Attempts to forward an action to the game's controller
      pa - the action to forward
      InputValidationException - if the controller does not validate the action positively
      OperationException - if no controller is online or if a validated action failed to run properly
    • getId

      public UUID getId()
      Get the id of the lobby
      the UUID of the lobby
    • getAdmin

      public String getAdmin()
      Get the name of the admin
      the nickname of the admin client
    • isPublic

      public boolean isPublic()
      Check if the lobby is public or not
      true if the lobby is public, false otherwise
    • isLobbyFull

      public boolean isLobbyFull()
      Check to see if the lobby is full
      true if the lobby is full, false otherwise
    • getMaxPlayers

      public int getMaxPlayers()
      Get the maximum amount of players for the lobby
      the max amount of clients that can connect to the lobby
    • getPlayers

      public List<String> getPlayers()
      Get a list of connected players
      a List of the nicknames of the connected players
    • addPlayer

      public boolean addPlayer(String nick, BlockingQueue<ClientEvent> playerChannel)
      Connect a player to the lobby
      nick - the nickname of the player to connect
      playerChannel - the queue to forward new ClientEvents to
      true if the player was successfully connected, false otherwise
    • notifyPlayers

      public void notifyPlayers(ClientEvent event)
      Propagates a ClientEvent to all players
      event - the event to propagate to all players
    • disconnectPlayer

      protected void disconnectPlayer(String nick)
      Removes a player from the lobby. If the game has started for the lobby or the admin decided to leave, the lobby is closed and players are notified through LobbyClosedEvent
      nick - the nickname of the player to remove from the lobby
    • isGameInProgress

      public boolean isGameInProgress()
      Check to see if the game has started or if clients are still waiting for the game to start
      true if the game is on, otherwise false
    • close

      protected void close()
      Closes the lobby and notifies players through LobbyClosedEvent
    • startGame

      protected void startGame(GameMode gameMode) throws InputValidationException
      Starts the game. LobbyServers will receive a GameStartEvent
      gameMode - the GameMode to start the game in
      InputValidationException - if the players in lobby are more than 4 or less than 2