Class MoveStudent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MoveStudent extends PlayerAction
This PlayerAction allows the caller to move a single student from the entrance to the school to an island or a dining room table. This action is linked to the Action Phase.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      private static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:
    • selectedEntrancePosition

      private final int selectedEntrancePosition
    • destination

      private final MoveDestination destination
  • Constructor Details

    • MoveStudent

      public MoveStudent(int playerBoardId, int selectedEntrancePosition, MoveDestination destination)
      Create a new instance of this class with the following inputs:
      playerBoardId - the ID of the current PlayerBoard
      destination - a MoveDestination value specifying where the selected student will be moved
      selectedEntrancePosition - id of the slot in the list returned by PlayerBoard.getEntranceStudents(), selects a student to be moved
  • Method Details