Package it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI

package it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI
  • Classes
    This class runs game's cli version and to do that it initializes client's view and runs 2 different threads: One for writing elements on CLI and send message to Server (CliWriter class) One for receiving responses from Server and update Client's view (ClientReader class)
    This class contains the status of Client inside the Server and is responsible for printing UI elements in to the CLI
    This class takes Client's commands from terminal, provides support to the user and sends the command to the Server by using the SocketWrapper
    CloudUI is a graphical representation (as a String data structure) useful to print multiple cloud components on the console.
    GameUI is a graphical representation (as a String data structure) useful to print CloudUI and multiple IslandUI components next to each other on the console.
    InfoUI is a graphical informative component (as a String data structure) useful to print details about the TurnOrder and the StudentBag
    IslandUI allows to print a placeholder containing an IslandGroup representation or an empty row which could be needed if there was previously an IslandGroup on the console which does not exist anymore in the model
    PlayerBoardUI allows to print all the information representing the PlayerBoard.