Coverage Summary for Class: PawnColour (it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
PawnColour 100% (1/1) 66,7% (2/3) 0% (0/20) 46,2% (6/13)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums; 2  3 import; 4 import; 5  6 /** 7  * Represents the colour of many pawns on the game boards, like Students and Teachers. 8  */ 9 public enum PawnColour implements Serializable { 10  GREEN, 11  RED, 12  YELLOW, 13  PINK, 14  BLUE; 15  @Serial 16  private static final long serialVersionUID = 125L; // convention: 1 for model, (01 -> 99) for objects 17  18  /** 19  * Convert a string to a valid PawnColour 20  * 21  * @param text string containing a colour 22  * @return the appropriate PawnColour or null when the string does not represent a valid pawnColour 23  */ 24  public static PawnColour getPawnColourFromText(String text) { 25  switch (text.toUpperCase().trim()) { 26  case "RED" -> { 27  return PawnColour.RED; 28  } 29  case "BLUE" -> { 30  return PawnColour.BLUE; 31  } 32  case "PINK" -> { 33  return PawnColour.PINK; 34  } 35  case "YELLOW" -> { 36  return PawnColour.YELLOW; 37  } 38  case "GREEN" -> { 39  return PawnColour.GREEN; 40  } 41  } 42  return null; 43  } 44 }