Coverage Summary for Class: CharacterCard (it.polimi.ingsw.Model)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
CharacterCard 100% (1/1) 85,7% (6/7) 83,3% (5/6) 82,4% (14/17)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Model; 2  3 import it.polimi.ingsw.Exceptions.Input.InputValidationException; 4 import it.polimi.ingsw.Exceptions.Input.InvalidElementException; 5 import it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.OptionalValue; 6  7 import; 8 import; 9  10 public abstract class CharacterCard implements Serializable { 11  @Serial 12  private static final long serialVersionUID = 115L; // convention: 1 for model, (01 -> 99) for objects 13  14  protected final int id; 15  protected final int cost; 16  protected final Model context; 17  protected int timeUsed; 18  19  public CharacterCard(int id, int cost, Model context) { 20 = id; 21  this.cost = cost; 22  this.timeUsed = 0; 23  this.context = context; 24  } 25  26  public final int getId() { 27  return; 28  } 29  30  public final int getCost() { 31  return this.timeUsed > 0 ? this.cost + 1 : this.cost; 32  } 33  34  public final int getTimeUsed() { 35  return this.timeUsed; 36  } 37  38  /** 39  * This function checks whether the correct input has been provided. It should always be called BEFORE calling an 40  * unsafeApplyEffect. Keep in mind this function does not alterate the gamestate. 41  * 42  * @param input user's input object 43  * @return a non empty {@link OptionalValue} containing a validation error. Or an empty one when the input is correct 44  */ 45  public final OptionalValue<InputValidationException> checkInput(CharacterCardInput input) { 46  if (input.getCaller() == null || !input.getCaller().getNickname().equals(this.context.getMutableTurnOrder().getMutableCurrentPlayer().getNickname())) { 47  48  return OptionalValue.of(new InvalidElementException("Card Caller")); 49  } 50  return overridableCheckInput(input); 51  } 52  53  /** 54  * This function checks whether the correct input has been provided. It is part of the checkInput function. 55  * Keep in mind this function does not alterate the gamestate. 56  * NOTE: checkInput(input) by default checks whether the correct player has called the card, then relays all other 57  * checks to this function. So don't check the correct user in this function as it is pointless. 58  * 59  * @param input user's input object 60  * @return a non empty {@link OptionalValue} containing a validation error. Or an empty one when the input is correct 61  */ 62  protected abstract OptionalValue<InputValidationException> overridableCheckInput(CharacterCardInput input); 63  64  65  /** 66  * This method must be called after checking user's input 67  * Play 68  * 69  * @param input a {@link CharacterCardInput} object, the same used during validation 70  */ 71  public final void unsafeUseCard(CharacterCardInput input) { 72  try { // we should never get an exception now, if we do we crash 73  unsafeApplyEffect(input); 74  } catch (Exception e) { 75  e.printStackTrace(); 76  } 77  addUse(); 78  } 79  80  /** 81  * This method must be called after {@link #checkInput(CharacterCardInput)} 82  * Execute CharacterCard's effect (NOTE: keep in mind this funcion DOES ALTERATE the gamestate) 83  * 84  * @param input verified user's input 85  * @throws Exception not related to user's input and not recoverable 86  */ 87  protected abstract void unsafeApplyEffect(CharacterCardInput input) throws Exception; 88  89  private void addUse() { 90  this.timeUsed++; 91  } 92 }