Coverage Summary for Class: CharacterDeckGenerator (it.polimi.ingsw.Model)

Class Method, % Line, %
CharacterDeckGenerator 50% (1/2) 80% (4/5)
Total 50% (1/2) 80% (4/5)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Model; 2  3 import java.util.Arrays; 4 import java.util.Collections; 5 import java.util.List; 6 import java.util.Random; 7  8 /** 9  * Any {@link it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.GameMode#ADVANCED} game must start with a selection of 3 different {@link CharacterCard}s 10  * and this class is the generator of such cards. <br> 11  */ 12 public class CharacterDeckGenerator { 13  /** 14  * Generate a random list of 3 Character cards (ensured to be non repeating in the list) 15  * 16  * @param context each generated {@link CharacterCard} needs a reference to the {@link Model} in order to work. 17  * @return a list of 3 randomly generated cards, in no specific order. 18  */ 19  public static List<CharacterCard> generateCardSet(Model context) { 20  List<CharacterCardGenerator> deck = Arrays.asList( 21  Card01::new, 22  Card02::new, 23  Card03::new, 24  Card04::new, 25  Card05::new, 26  Card06::new, 27  Card07::new, 28  Card08::new, 29  Card09::new, 30  Card10::new, 31  Card11::new, 32  Card12::new); 33  Collections.shuffle(deck, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())); 34  return deck.subList(0, 3).stream() 35  .map(gen ->; 36  } 37  38  /** 39  * in order to construct each card, the constructor must fall under an interface to be used in a lambda call. 40  * This interface is just for that. 41  */ 42  private interface CharacterCardGenerator { 43  /** 44  * the constructor of a {@link CharacterCard} has the same signature as this method 45  * 46  * @param ctx the reference to {@link Model} 47  * @return a {@link CharacterCard} 48  */ 49  CharacterCard build(Model ctx); 50  } 51 }