Coverage Summary for Class: Utils (it.polimi.ingsw.Misc)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
Utils 100% (1/1) 85,7% (6/7) 91,7% (11/12) 93,3% (28/30)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Misc; 2  3 import it.polimi.ingsw.Exceptions.Input.InvalidElementException; 4  5 import java.util.*; 6  7 /** 8  * This class contains various static functions useful for more than one purpose inside the code. 9  * Check the docs of each function for more info. 10  */ 11 public class Utils { 12  /** 13  * Given a {@link List}, shuffles it in place with a random seed 14  * 15  * @param coll the list to shuffle 16  * @param <T> the type of the elements of the list 17  */ 18  public static <T> void shuffle(List<T> coll) { 19  Collections.shuffle(coll, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())); 20  } 21  22  /** 23  * Given a {@link List}, returns a random element from it 24  * 25  * @param list the list to fetch from 26  * @param <T> the type of the list's elements 27  * @return a random element from the list 28  */ 29  public static <T> T random(List<T> list) { 30  Random random = new Random(); 31  int randomNumber = random.nextInt(list.size()); 32  return list.get(randomNumber); 33  } 34  35  /** 36  * Selects an element in the list as if it was a circular array 37  * 38  * @param startingElement the element from which to start counting forwards 39  * @param group the list to fetch from 40  * @param movement the amount of steps forward from the starting element to take in order to reach the fetched element 41  * @param <T> the type of elements of the group 42  * @return an element from the group 43  * @throws InvalidElementException if startingElement is not present in the list 44  */ 45  public static <T> T modularSelection(T startingElement, List<T> group, int movement) throws InvalidElementException { 46  int index = group.indexOf(startingElement); 47  if (index == -1) { 48  throw new InvalidElementException("starting element"); 49  } 50  return group.get((index + group.size() + movement) % group.size()); 51  } 52  53  /** 54  * Given two maps, evaluate whether the second map contains values that can fit the first map 55  * 56  * @param originalSet the first map is the "original" 57  * @param possibleSubset the second map is a "possible subset" of the original 58  * @param <T> the key of both maps 59  * @param <C> an element extending the Integer class as the value of both maps 60  * @return true if the second map is a possible subset of the original, meaning the values for each key in the possible subset 61  * are lower than the values for the same key in the original map. otherwise returns false 62  */ 63  public static <T, C extends Integer> boolean canMapFit(Map<T, C> originalSet, Map<T, C> possibleSubset) { 64  for (Map.Entry<T, C> entry : possibleSubset.entrySet()) { 65  T key = entry.getKey(); 66  int count = entry.getValue(); 67  if (!originalSet.containsKey(key) || ((int) originalSet.get(key) - count < 0)) { 68  return false; 69  } 70  } 71  return true; 72  } 73  74  /** 75  * Given a list, find occurrences of elements of the same class within it. 76  * 77  * @param selected the class object to search for in the list 78  * @param list the list to search in 79  * @param <T> the elements of the list 80  * @param <E> an inheritor of the class of elements contained in the list 81  * @return the count of how many elements of the list match the input class 82  */ 83  public static <T, E extends T> int countSimilarClassOccurrences(Class<E> selected, List<T> list) { 84  return (int) -> pa.getClass() == selected).count(); 85  } 86  87  /** 88  * Given a {@link List}, sorts its elements in order of frequency from highest to lowest 89  * 90  * @param array the list to sort 91  * @param <T> the type of the elements in the list 92  * @return a new {@link List}, containing the elements of the previous one sorted by frequency 93  */ 94  public static <T> List<T> sortByFrequency(List<T> array) { 95  Map<T, ArrayList<T>> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>(); 96  for (T current : array) { 97  ArrayList<T> list = frequencyMap.getOrDefault(current, new ArrayList<>()); 98  list.add(current); 99  frequencyMap.put(current, list); 100  } 101  ArrayList<T> sorted = new ArrayList<>(); 102  frequencyMap.entrySet().stream() 103  .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.getValue().size())) 104  .map(Map.Entry::getValue) 105  .forEach(sorted::addAll); 106  Collections.reverse(sorted); 107  return sorted; 108  } 109 }