Coverage Summary for Class: OptionalValue (it.polimi.ingsw.Misc)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
OptionalValue 100% (1/1) 84,6% (11/13) 61,1% (11/18) 74,1% (20/27)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Misc; 2  3 import; 4 import java.util.Objects; 5 import java.util.function.Consumer; 6 import java.util.function.Function; 7  8 /** 9  * This class takes inspiration from {@link java.util.Optional} but adds serialization support and foregoes some 10  * lesser used methods in some instances. 11  * While {@link java.util.Optional} was never meant to be used as a persistent value in memory, the layer of abstraction 12  * it provides over null values was valuable enough to warrant a rewrite into an object that could be Serialized and shared 13  * over the net. 14  * 15  * @param <T> the internal type of the OptionalValue 16  */ 17 public class OptionalValue<T> implements Serializable { 18  private final T value; 19  20  /** 21  * Private constructor for the object 22  */ 23  private OptionalValue() { 24  this.value = null; 25  } 26  27  /** 28  * Private constructor for the object 29  */ 30  private OptionalValue(T value) { 31  this.value = value; 32  } 33  34  /** 35  * Creates a new wrapping around a non null value 36  * 37  * @param element non null element to wrap an optional value around 38  * @param <T> the type of element stored inside the Optional 39  * @return the {@link OptionalValue} containing element 40  */ 41  public static <T> OptionalValue<T> of(T element) { 42  Objects.requireNonNull(element); 43  return new OptionalValue<>(element); 44  } 45  46  /** 47  * Creates a new wrapping around a value 48  * 49  * @param element possibly null value to wrap this object around 50  * @param <T> The type of value stored inside the optional value 51  * @return an empty {@link OptionalValue} if element is null, otherwise an {@link OptionalValue} wrapping element 52  */ 53  public static <T> OptionalValue<T> ofNullable(T element) { 54  if (element == null) { 55  return new OptionalValue<>(); 56  } 57  return new OptionalValue<>(element); 58  } 59  60  /** 61  * Check if no value is present inside the optional 62  * 63  * @return true if the internal value is absent 64  */ 65  public boolean isEmpty() { 66  return value == null; 67  } 68  69  /** 70  * Check if a value is present inside the optional 71  * 72  * @return true if the internal value is present 73  */ 74  public boolean isPresent() { 75  return value != null; 76  } 77  78  /** 79  * Retrieve the inner value 80  * 81  * @return the inner value of the optional, if present 82  * @throws NullPointerException if no inner value is present 83  */ 84  public T get() { 85  if (value == null) { 86  throw new NullPointerException(); 87  } 88  return value; 89  } 90  91  /** 92  * Retrieve the inner value 93  * 94  * @param otherwise the default value to return if no inner value is present 95  * @return the inner value of the optional, if present. Otherwise returns the input value 96  */ 97  public T orElse(T otherwise) { 98  if (value == null) { 99  return otherwise; 100  } 101  return value; 102  } 103  104  /** 105  * If a value is present, run the provided consumer over it 106  * 107  * @param consumer a function to run over the contained value (if present) 108  */ 109  public void ifPresent(Consumer<? super T> consumer) { 110  if (value == null) { 111  return; 112  } 113  consumer.accept(value); 114  } 115  116  /** 117  * If a value is present, returns the result of applying the given Optional-bearing mapping function to the value, otherwise returns an empty OptionalValue. 118  * 119  * @param mapper the mapping function to apply to a value, if present 120  * @param <U> The type of value of the Optional returned by the mapping function 121  * @return the result of applying an Optional-bearing mapping function to the value of this Optional, if a value is present, otherwise an empty Optional 122  */ 123  public <U> OptionalValue<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, OptionalValue<U>> mapper) { 124  if (value == null) { 125  return OptionalValue.empty(); 126  } 127  return mapper.apply(value); 128  } 129  130  /** 131  * Get an empty value instance 132  * 133  * @param <T> The type of value stored inside the optional value 134  * @return an empty {@link OptionalValue} 135  */ 136  public static <T> OptionalValue<T> empty() { 137  return new OptionalValue<>(); 138  } 139  140  /** 141  * Returns the hash code of the value, if present, otherwise 0 (zero) if no value is present. 142  * 143  * @return hash code value of the present value or 0 if no value is present 144  */ 145  @Override 146  public int hashCode() { 147  return Objects.hash(value); 148  } 149  150  /** 151  * Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this OptionalValue. The other object is considered equal if: 152  * <ul> 153  * <il>it is also an Optional and;</il> 154  * <il>both instances have no value present or;</il> 155  * <il>the present values are "equal to" each other via equals().</il> 156  * </ul> 157  * 158  * @param o the object to be tested for equality 159  * @return true if the two objects are considered equal 160  */ 161  @Override 162  public boolean equals(Object o) { 163  if (this == o) return true; 164  if (!(o instanceof OptionalValue<?> optional)) return false; 165  return Objects.equals(value, optional.value); 166  } 167 }