Coverage Summary for Class: GUISocketListener (it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Listeners)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
GUISocketListener 0% (0/1) 0% (0/5) 0% (0/18) 0% (0/43)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Listeners; 2  3 import it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Context; 4 import it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Panels.GameInProgressPanel; 5 import it.polimi.ingsw.Client.GUI.Panels.StartPanel; 6 import it.polimi.ingsw.Controller.Actions.EndTurnOfActionPhase; 7 import it.polimi.ingsw.Controller.Actions.PlayerAction; 8 import it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Pair; 9 import it.polimi.ingsw.Network.SocketWrapper; 10 import it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.Message; 11 import it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.*; 12 import it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.ServerResponses.SupportStructures.StatusCode; 13  14 import javax.swing.*; 15 import; 16 import java.util.ArrayList; 17 import java.util.List; 18  19 /** 20  * Handles messages received from server and keep a record of current player's actions executed during its turn 21  */ 22 public class GUISocketListener implements Runnable { 23  /** 24  * List of actions executed by current player and their feedbacks 25  */ 26  private final List<Pair<PlayerAction, PlayerActionFeedback>> requestAndFeedback = new ArrayList<>(); 27  /** 28  * Context received from GameInProgressPanel 29  */ 30  private final Context ctx; 31  /** 32  * SocketWrapper used to communicate with Server 33  */ 34  private final SocketWrapper sw; 35  /** 36  * JTabbedPane containing all others JPanels 37  */ 38  private GameInProgressPanel gameInProgressPanel; 39  /** 40  * Last player's request sent to Server 41  */ 42  private PlayerAction playerActionRequest; 43  44  45  /** 46  * Create a new GUIReader 47  * 48  * @param ctx Context containing socket and GUI's window 49  */ 50  public GUISocketListener(Context ctx) { 51  this.gameInProgressPanel = null; 52  this.playerActionRequest = null; 53  this.sw = ctx.getSocketWrapper(); 54  this.ctx = ctx; 55  } 56  57  /** 58  * Listen for Server's responses and updated window basing on responses 59  */ 60  @Override 61  public void run() { 62  while (true) { 63  try { 64  //wait server's response 65  Message input = sw.awaitMessage(); 66  switch (input) { 67  case LobbyClosed ignored -> { 68  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Lobby was closed by the server.\n" + 69  "Client is disconnecting from the server.", "Lobby closed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 70  //close socket and return to StartPanel 71  sw.close(); 72  ctx.getWindow().changeView(new StartPanel(ctx)); 73  return; 74  } 75  case ClientDisconnected clientDisconnected -> 76  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Client " + clientDisconnected.getLastDisconnectedNickname() + 77  " just disconnected.", "Client disconnected", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 78  case ModelUpdated modelUpdated -> { 79  //create a new GameInProgressPanel with updated model 80  this.gameInProgressPanel = new GameInProgressPanel(ctx, modelUpdated.getModel(), this, gameInProgressPanel); 81  ctx.getWindow().changeView(this.gameInProgressPanel); 82  return; 83  } 84  case PlayerActionFeedback playerActionFeedback -> { 85  //create a new Pair with saved player's request and feedback received 86  requestAndFeedback.add(new Pair<>(this.playerActionRequest, playerActionFeedback)); 87  //show eventual fail report 88  if (playerActionFeedback.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.Fail) 89  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, playerActionFeedback.getReport()); 90  //clear history when endTurn action has been performed by user 91  if (playerActionRequest.getClass().equals(EndTurnOfActionPhase.class) && playerActionFeedback.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.Success) { 92  requestAndFeedback.clear(); 93  } 94  playerActionRequest = null; 95  } 96  case GameOver ignored -> { 97  return; 98  } 99  case InvalidRequest ignored -> 100  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your request has not been executed, probably you are trying to play out of turn", 101  "Warning", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 102  default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + input.getClass()); 103  } 104  } catch (Exception e) { 105  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error in the connection with the server", "Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 106  try { 107  sw.close(); 108  } catch (IOException ex) { 109  throw new RuntimeException(ex); 110  } 111  ctx.getWindow().changeView(new StartPanel(ctx)); 112  return; 113  } 114  } 115  } 116  117  /** 118  * Save user's request that will be added in history after receiving its feedback 119  * 120  * @param playerActionRequest playerActionRequest to save 121  */ 122  public void savePlayerActionRequest(PlayerAction playerActionRequest) { 123  if (this.playerActionRequest == null) { 124  this.playerActionRequest = playerActionRequest; 125  } 126  } 127  128  /** 129  * Check to see if a new {@link it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Messages.Events.Requests.PlayerActionRequest} can be sent to the server 130  * or if the gui should wait before allowing any more actions to be sent 131  * 132  * @return true if the listener is polling for a feedback to a previous player's action, false otherwise 133  */ 134  public boolean awaitingPlayerActionFeedback() { 135  return playerActionRequest != null; 136  } 137  138  /** 139  * Count PlayerActions that have received a successful response from Server 140  * 141  * @param playerActionClass PlayerAction's class that will be counted 142  * @return PlayerAction amount that received a successful response from Server 143  */ 144  public int getSuccessfulRequestsByType(Class<?> playerActionClass) { 145  List<PlayerActionFeedback> actions = 146  filter(pair -> pair.first().getClass().equals(playerActionClass)).map(Pair::second).toList(); 147  148  return (int) -> playerActionFeedback.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.Success).count(); 149  } 150 }