Coverage Summary for Class: PlayerBoardUI (it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI)

Class Method, % Branch, % Line, %
PlayerBoardUI 0% (0/6) 0% (0/35) 0% (0/58)
PlayerBoardUI$1 0% (0/1) 0% (0/1)
Total 0% (0/7) 0% (0/35) 0% (0/59)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI; 2  3 import it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.OptionalValue; 4 import it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Symbols; 5 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.GameMode; 6 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.PawnColour; 7 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Model; 8 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.PlayerBoard; 9  10 /** 11  * PlayerBoardUI allows to print all the information representing the {@link PlayerBoard}. 12  * <br> 13  * It exposes multiple methods to render the individual components independently and one method to combine them all 14  * in a single component. 15  */ 16 public class PlayerBoardUI { 17  18  /** 19  * It draws a representation of the {@link PlayerBoard} of the provided player. 20  * 21  * @param playerBoard the {@link PlayerBoard} which will be represented 22  * @param ctx reference to the model used to check the available coins left in the game 23  * @return the complete player board UI component 24  */ 25  public static String drawPlayerBoard(PlayerBoard playerBoard, Model ctx) { 26  StringBuilder screen = new StringBuilder(); 27  boolean isCurrentPlayer = ctx.getMutableTurnOrder().getMutableCurrentPlayer().equals(playerBoard); 28  // Playerboard sections' titles. Change the argument of repeat() to further separate islands from playerboards 29  screen.append("\n".repeat(1)).append("Entrance:\t").append("Dining Room:\t\t").append("Teachers:\t").append("Towers:\t\t"); 30  // Coins should be printed only if game mode is advanced 31  if (ctx.getGameMode() == GameMode.ADVANCED) { 32  screen 33  .append("Coins available:").append(playerBoard.getCoinBalance()) 34  // add tip to remind usage of showActions command 35  .append(isCurrentPlayer ? InfoUI.showActions() : "").append("\n"); 36  } else { 37  // add tip to remind usage of showActions command 38  screen.append(isCurrentPlayer ? InfoUI.showActions() : "").append("\n"); 39  } 40  41  String entrance = PlayerBoardUI.drawEntrance(playerBoard, ctx); 42  String towers = PlayerBoardUI.drawTowers(playerBoard, ctx); 43  for (PawnColour p : PawnColour.values()) { 44  // This will print just one line of the entrance UI component 45  screen.append(entrance, 0, entrance.indexOf('\n')); 46  entrance = entrance.substring(entrance.indexOf('\n') + 1); 47  // This will print one row of the dining room 48  screen.append("\t\t").append(PlayerBoardUI.drawDiningRoomRow(p, playerBoard, ctx.getGameMode())); 49  // This will print one teacher per row if present 50  screen.append("\t ").append(PlayerBoardUI.drawTeacher(p, playerBoard, ctx)); 51  52  // This will print just one line of the towers UI component 53  screen.append("\t\t ").append(towers, 0, towers.indexOf('\n') + 1); 54  towers = towers.substring(towers.indexOf("\n") + 1); 55  } 56  return screen.toString(); 57  } 58  59  /** 60  * It draws a representation of the entrance of the provided player. 61  * 62  * @param pb the {@link PlayerBoard} to which the entrance should be associated with 63  * @param gb reference to the model used to add padding in the entrance when 2 or 4 players are in the game 64  * because they have less students in the entrance than 3 players' game 65  * @return the unused students in a multiline dual column layout String representation 66  */ 67  public static String drawEntrance(PlayerBoard pb, Model gb) { 68  String entrance = " "; // the first place is empty because of odd number of students in an even grid 69  int currentEntranceIndex = 0; 70  // Print the content of every place in the entrance 71  for (OptionalValue<PawnColour> p : pb.getEntranceStudents()) { 72  if (p.isPresent()) 73  entrance = entrance + Symbols.colorizeBackgroundStudent(p.get(), String.valueOf(currentEntranceIndex)) + " "; 74  else entrance = entrance + " "; 75  76  // Every two students there should be a new line instead of a white space to force the dual column layout 77  if (Symbols.stripFromANSICodes(entrance).length() % 8 == 0) { 78  entrance = entrance.substring(0, entrance.length() - 1); // remove space after pawn in the II column 79  entrance = entrance + "\n"; 80  } 81  currentEntranceIndex++; 82  } 83  // Adds padding if not enough students are present to complete the five rows layout 84  if (gb.getMutablePlayerBoards().size() != 3) { 85  entrance = entrance + " " + "\n"; 86  } 87  return entrance; 88  } 89  90  /** 91  * It draws a representation of the tower storage of the provided player. 92  * 93  * @param p the {@link PlayerBoard} to which the towers should be associated with 94  * @param gb reference to the model used to check the relationship between towers and player 95  * @return the unused towers in a multiline dual column layout String representation 96  */ 97  public static String drawTowers(PlayerBoard p, Model gb) { 98  String towers = ""; 99  String towerColour = ""; 100  switch (gb.getTeamMapper().getMutableTowerStorage(p).getColour()) { 101  case BLACK -> towerColour = Symbols.BLACK; 102  case GRAY -> towerColour = Symbols.GRAY; 103  case WHITE -> towerColour = Symbols.WHITE; 104  } 105  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { 106  // prints a tower if there is still any to print 107  if (i < gb.getTeamMapper().getMutableTowerStorage(p).getTowerCount()) { 108  towers = towers + Symbols.colour(Symbols.TOWER, towerColour) + " "; 109  } else towers = towers + " "; // adds whitespaces in the remaining empty spaces 110  111  // Every two towers there should be a new line instead of a white space to force the dual column layout 112  if (Symbols.stripFromANSICodes(towers).length() % 4 == 0) { 113  towers = towers.substring(0, towers.length() - 1); // remove space after tower in the II column 114  towers = towers + "\n"; 115  } 116  } 117  return towers + "\t\t\n"; 118  } 119  120  /** 121  * It draws a dining room's row with its related students and the not yet obtained coins 122  * 123  * @param rowColour the dining room's row which should be printed 124  * @param p the {@link PlayerBoard} to which the dining room should be associated with 125  * @param gameMode reference to the model used to add coin representation if in correct settings 126  * @return a fixed length line containing all the students on the specific dining room's row 127  */ 128  public static String drawDiningRoomRow(PawnColour rowColour, PlayerBoard p, GameMode gameMode) { 129  StringBuilder diningRoom = new StringBuilder(); 130  // Fills the row with the 10 elements which could be students or empty spaces 131  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 132  if (i < p.getDiningRoomCount(rowColour)) { // prints a student if there is still any to print 133  diningRoom.append(Symbols.colorizeStudent(rowColour, Symbols.PAWN + " ")); 134  } else { 135  // It adds coins in the III, VI and IX positions if the game mode is advanced 136  if (gameMode.equals(GameMode.ADVANCED) && (i + 1) % 3 == 0) { 137  diningRoom.append(Symbols.COIN).append(" "); 138  } else diningRoom.append(" "); // adds whitespaces in the remaining empty places 139  } 140  } 141  return diningRoom.toString(); 142  } 143  144  /** 145  * A single teacher will be represented with the standard UI representation of the pawn piece or 146  * an empty space if the player has not conquered that specific teacher yet. 147  * 148  * @param teacher the specific {@link PawnColour} of the teacher to be represented 149  * @param p the {@link PlayerBoard} to which the teacher should be associated with 150  * @param gb reference to the model used to check the relationship between teacher and player 151  * @return single line containing teacher 152  */ 153  public static String drawTeacher(PawnColour teacher, PlayerBoard p, Model gb) { 154  if (gb.getOwnTeachers(p).contains(teacher)) { 155  return Symbols.colorizeStudent(teacher, Symbols.PAWN + " "); 156  } else return " "; 157  } 158 }