Coverage Summary for Class: CloudUI (it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, %
CloudUI 0% (0/1) 0% (0/2) 0% (0/31) 0% (0/56)

1 package it.polimi.ingsw.Client.CLI; 2  3 import it.polimi.ingsw.Misc.Symbols; 4 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Cloud; 5 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Enums.PawnColour; 6 import it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Model; 7  8 /** 9  * CloudUI is a graphical representation (as a String data structure) useful to print multiple cloud components 10  * on the console. 11  * <br> 12  * The internal information of the model element is described in {@link it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Cloud}. 13  */ 14 public class CloudUI { 15  16  /** 17  * The {@link it.polimi.ingsw.Model.Cloud} will be represented with a title and its related id, 18  * and the contained students if present. 19  * According to the number of players, it will create a different layout of the clouds on the console. 20  * 21  * @param ctx is a reference to the model used to access the clouds' information. 22  * @return the representation of the clouds group. 23  */ 24  public static String draw(Model ctx) { 25  String clouds = ""; 26  switch (ctx.getClouds().size()) { 27  case 2 -> { // two clouds will be print on top of each other 28  StringBuilder twoClouds = new StringBuilder(); 29  for (Cloud c : ctx.getClouds()) { 30  StringBuilder students = new StringBuilder(); 31  32  // Prints one line for every student on the cloud, and aligns it centrally 33  for (PawnColour p : c.getContents()) { 34  students.append(Symbols.colorizeStudent(p, "\t" + Symbols.PAWN)); 35  students.append("\t\n"); 36  } 37  // Handles the empty cloud case 38  if (students.toString().equals("")) { 39  students.append("\t\t\n".repeat(3)); 40  } 41  // Appends the current cloud in the loop. 42  // Adds the current cloud title on a line. 43  // Adds the content on the cloud on separate lines. 44  twoClouds.append("\tCloud ").append(c.getId()).append("\n").append(students); 45  } 46  clouds = twoClouds.toString(); 47  } 48  49  case 3 -> { // three clouds will be print: the first pair next to each other, the third under the first 50  StringBuilder threeClouds = new StringBuilder(); 51  threeClouds.append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getId()).append("\t\t" // divider between clouds 52  ).append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getId()).append("\n"); // title of cloud 2 53  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // prints the content of the I and II clouds next to each other if present 54  threeClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getContents().size() > 0 ? 55  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getContents().get(i), "\t" + 56  Symbols.PAWN + "\t\t") : "\t\t\t"); 57  threeClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getContents().size() > 0 ? 58  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getContents().get(i), "\t" + 59  Symbols.PAWN) + "\n" : "\t\t\n"); 60  } 61  threeClouds.append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getId()).append("\n"); // title of cloud 3 62  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // prints the content of the III cloud if present 63  threeClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getContents().size() > 0 ? 64  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getContents().get(i), "\t" 65  + Symbols.PAWN) + "\n" : 66  "\t\t\n"); 67  } 68  clouds = threeClouds.toString(); 69  } 70  71  case 4 -> { // four clouds will be print as a grid 72  StringBuilder fourClouds = new StringBuilder(); 73  fourClouds.append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getId()).append("\t\t" // separation between clouds 74  ).append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getId()).append("\n"); // title of cloud 2 75  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // prints the content of the I and II clouds next to each other if present 76  fourClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getContents().size() > 0 ? 77  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(0).getContents().get(i), "\t" 78  + Symbols.PAWN + "\t\t") : "\t\t\t"); 79  fourClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getContents().size() > 0 ? 80  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(1).getContents().get(i), "\t" 81  + Symbols.PAWN) + "\n" : "\t\t\n"); 82  } 83  fourClouds.append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getId()).append("\t\t" // separation between clouds 84  ).append("Cloud ").append(ctx.getClouds().get(3).getId()).append("\n"); // title of cloud 4 85  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // prints the content of the III and IV clouds next to each other if present 86  fourClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getContents().size() > 0 ? 87  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(2).getContents().get(i), "\t" 88  + Symbols.PAWN + "\t\t") : "\t\t\t"); 89  fourClouds.append(ctx.getClouds().get(3).getContents().size() > 0 ? 90  Symbols.colorizeStudent(ctx.getClouds().get(3).getContents().get(i), "\t" 91  + Symbols.PAWN) + "\n" : 92  "\t\t\n"); 93  } 94  clouds = fourClouds.toString(); 95  } 96  } 97  // Multiple newlines are used in conjunction with IslandUI component. 98  // If there are more islands than CloudUI component's lines we still want to print the islands stacked 99  // in GameUI. 100  return clouds + "\n\n\n"; 101  } 102 }